Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Assessments

Bushfire Attack Level Assessment - Perth & South Western AustraliaWhat is a Bushfire Attack Level Assessment?
A BAL Assessment is required for properties located within state designated Bushfire Prone Areas. Any development application or building permit required to which this measure applies, is to be accompanied by a BAL Assessment, carried out by an accredited BAL Assessor.

To find out if your residence is in a Bushfire Prone Area, Visit – Map of Bush Fire Prone Areas (slip.wa.gov.au) If the proposed structure or dwelling is located within the Bushfire Prone Area, the next step will be to have a Method 1 BAL Assessment carried out.

Integral Fire Protection can help you with Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Assessments across Perth and the South West of Australia including Dunsborough, Margaret River, Yallingup, Busselton & Bunbury.

Method 1 Bushfire Attack Level Assessment (BAL)
A Method 1 BAL Assessment is required to determine the Bushfire Attack Level for a proposed structure or dwelling. The BAL is determined via a bushfire modelling system that aids in predicting bushfire behaviour and the impact it may have on a given structure or dwelling.

As well as determining Bushfire Attack Levels, Method 1 BAL Assessments can also be used within the building industry to determine specific construction standards and requirements for the construction of buildings to reduce the risk of ignition and improve the resistance to bushfire attack.

Our Method 1 BAL Assessments are prepared by an experienced and accredited BPAD Level 1 BAL Assessor, and in accordance with Australian Standard AS3959:2018. This assessment consists primarily of:

  • A site visit from a Level 1 Accredited Practitioner to assess and classify all vegetation within 100m of the proposed structure or dwelling.
  • The issue of a Level 1 BAL Report with a site map displaying all vegetation classifications and measurements taken on the day of assessment, along with photo imagery to support justifications provided in the report.
  • A Certificate with the determined Bushfire Attack Level (otherwise known as BAL) for the proposed structure or dwelling undergoing assessment.
  • The next step will be to submit the BAL Report and Certificate along with a building permit or DA to the local shire or City office. Minor builds which fall under a determined BAL rating of 29 or under can be considered for approval, unless considered to be vulnerable or high-risk land use (stated in the State Planning Policy 3.7, Section 6.6).
  • Minor developments that receive a BAL Rating of BAL-40 or FZ, along with minor builds considered to be vulnerable or high-risk land use, can go onto require a Bushfire Management Plan carried out by a certified Level 2 Assessor.

Integral Fire Protection’s Commitment
Beyond Integral Fire Protection’s overarching commitment to improving the safety of local communities and strengthening community resilience to bushfire events, IFP strives to:

  • Provide a quality assured service in a timely manner at a competitive price
  • Provide effective and professional advice surrounding the BAL Assessment process and outcomes.
  • Guarantee customer satisfaction through quality customer service and consistent quality control
  • The planning and building permit process can sometimes be a time and energy consuming affair. IFP aims to make its role in that process as efficient and effective as possible, in turn making this process all the swifter and easier for the client.

Timeframes And Fees
Please contact us to discuss your requirements and arrange a free and non-obligatory quote for a Bushfire Attack Level Assessments across Perth and the South West of Australia including Dunsborough, Margaret River, Yallingup, Busselton & Bunbury. info@integralfireprotection.com.au or (08) 9467 7319